Pearl Lagoon

Pearl Lagoon

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Prominent Managua

    There is something new to learn each day in Managua. It could either be learning how to cross the roads or even to order a specific "refresco". The spanish classes have helped me to improve in my  vocabulary and my grammar. The spanish classes have also prepare me to have the confidence to interact with people from the Maximo Jerez Community and as well as the rest of the Nicaraguan population.
         In my Revolution, Transformation, and Civil Society seminars I have been fortunate enough to have lectures by prominent Sandinistas figures such as the revolutionaries Dora Maria Tellez, who was involve in the taking of the National Palace in 1979, and  Guillermo Leiva , who participated with the FSLN and is currently the co-director to the program. I also  have been fortunate to get a broader understanding of the the history of the Nicaraguan economy with the help of  the Nicaraguan economist, Carlos Pacheco.
        I've learned so much about the Nicaraguan culture within the couple weeks that I have been here. I could honestly say that I detected some similarities and differences between my Mexican culture and the Nicaraguan culture since my stay. This  was done possible with conversations with locals and having them detecting the difference in certain words that use versus their local Spanish dialect.
             The political scene is getting more intense as each day  gets closer to the national elections  on November 6. All around the city of Managua there is propaganda for the Daniel Ortega campaign. It seems that the city is politically homogeneous but there are a hand full of individuals who have dissenting opinions against all the political parties in Nicaragua. The thing that matters the most is a fair democratic election with no violent outcomes from the public and in that case it is up for the citizens of Nicaragua to make that choice.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Getting Acquainted

 Well I completed my first week in Managua, Nicaragua. I have met many great people here in Nicaragua. All of my classmates or campaneros awesome we all have similar reasons for coming  to Nicaragua. It's a very interesting nation especially the politics of the nation. Keep following for future posts