Pearl Lagoon

Pearl Lagoon

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Daniel Ortega got the result that he wanted by getting over 60% of  the votes. Not many people are not pleased with this result especially Fabio Gadea and the PLI. The members of of the PLI are not recognizing Ortega's victory and are contesting it. Also the international community is still unsure whether to recognize Oretga's victory or not especially the United States. Whether the elections were fraud or not it was a spectacular experience to witness. I never seen so much enthusiasm in a national election before. Everybody from my community were excited to vote on Sunday and the FSLN supporters were proudly wearing their white bright letter colored FSLN shirts. I anticipate that the situation in regards to the recognition of the elections settles down really soon, there has been  a few clashes between the opposing parties. I will continue to observe this tension that is going on as I prepare to go to the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua where I will commence on my independent study project on the Fishing Industry in Pearl Lagoon and Environmental Justice.

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